We would like to share a good example of drama therapy. In Hungary and in the surrounding countries a democratic dialogue affecting real issues can only develop, then we can hope to live in a healthier society, if we start examining the most important issues of our society from a young age with educational and artistic forms in and out of school.

Main activities of the project were:

The creation and touring of three theater education programs for different age groups, examining different basic democratic concepts, for disadvantaged communities. Create and publish accompanying materials to support further work. Training of teachers and theater education specialists for the sustainability of the project. Publish the work of marginalized youth in print and online. Implementation of research to qualitatively measure the results of the project. Organization of an exhibition presenting the project and the work of the young people.

The organizer was the Round Table Theater Education Center (Hungary).

More info: https://kerekasztalszinhaz.hu/en/home/

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